Captions from left to right
1) 2/15/98 Front Page
Photo from "The Buffalo News" in reference
to the "Childhoods Lost " article.
2) 2/15/98 "Childhoods
Lost" article from The Buffalo News regarding
my family search and separation for siblings not seen
in 40 years and longer in some cases.
3) 3/7/98 "Family
Matters," the Buffalo News front page article
showing me hugging my sister-the last of 15 siblings
reunited after 40 years of separation. Judge Joseph
S. Mattina (now retired) opened two sealed files upon
learning of my story from The Buffalo News.
4) 7/26/97 News article
from The Plain Dealer "Reassembling A Family-One
Sibling At A Time. Not my best photo as I was ill
when the photo was taken. I left a half hour later
to teach at a folk music summer camp.(out of state)
A sister who I located as a result of the news article
hadnt seen the photo and stated "if she had seen
the photo-I might have scared her off!"
5) 2/15/98 The second
page of The Buffalo News article "Childhoods
Lost" titled "Separated-What Happened To
This Family Rarely Happens Today."
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