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"Elizabeth Smart -
A Miracle Of Life In The Hands Of A Greater Power"

by Ray “Rajko” Ranic

March 12, 2003-after nine months of kidnapping, frantic search, many prayers, and the vigilance of a nation, one of the most astounding events in United States history has occurred. Fifteen year old Elizabeth Smart was found and rescued ALIVE thanks to the watchful efforts of Rudy and Nancy Montoya, and Anita and Alvin Dickerson of Salt Lake City, Utah. Both families contacted the police who located and confronted Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Eileen Barzee.

Mitchell and Barzee have been arrested and charged with the heinous crimes which include kidnapping and sexual abuse charges among others. Elizabeth Smart was found (with Mitchell and Barzee) disguised in a wig and robe. She was taken by the police who confirmed her identity and reunited her with her family of parents, siblings,grand parents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

The community of Salt Lake City decorated streets in blue balloons to celebrate. Blue is Elizabeth’s favorite color. A block birthday party was held on Elizabeth’s street-where family and friends were dancing in the streets in sheer joy. Just as important - Elizabeth Smart was reunited with our nation and all of America (and internationally!) celebrated her rescue and homecoming.
The Elizabeth Smart kidnapping took place inside the Smart house. The kidnappers cut through a window screen and took Elizabeth Smart at approximately 3 a.m. in front of her 9 year old sister Mary Katherine and left leaving the Smart family initially targeted with suspicion (as is normal in comprehensive police investigations) and heart broken in the process. The Smart family, friends, and supporters never gave up their faith or hope and left a light on for Elizabeth in their home and within their hearts.

The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) claim that most abducted children in serious cases are harmed or killed within the first three hours. My research shows that most children missing for more than a few days usually end up either not found or become death statistics. Less than 1% of serious child abductions are found alive. According to the FBI (National Crime Information Center (NCIC)) “Every 37 seconds a child is reported missing.”
John Walsh (host of America’s Most Wanted and The John Walsh Show) stated before Congress that there is currently more than 1.5 million yearly abductions of children in America. The US Dept. Of Justice tells us 4 million pedophiles (child molesters) reside in America (one child molester for every square mile). The National Crime Victims Research and Technical Center states one of every 3 girls and 1 of every 7 boys are sexually abused before age 18. 29% of rape victims are younger than age 12.

The trauma that young children experience as a result of such an experience (especially Mary Katherine-Elizabeth’s younger sister age 9 at the time of the abduction) can block out the memory of the incident. Mind trauma can block out memories and in some cases it can also enhance memory - even enhance photographic memory and recall.

Approximately 5 months after the kidnapping took place, Mary Katherine went to her parents and identified the kidnapper as the man who had completed home repairs at their house. He was Brian David Mitchell and Mary Katherine’s breakthrough of the mind trauma that terrorized her initially is what I believe to be the key event that saved Elizabeth Smart’s life. It makes the words “and a child shall lead them” true in this case. Nine year old Mary Katherine Smart - America’s hero!

I am reminded of a case in the Western New York area-in which an eleven-year old girl was found strangled and unconscious over the body of her mother-who was murdered. The young girl was unable to remember or identify the attacker. It wasnt until years later-the victim-now a young woman in her teens-(with the help of mind recovery experts) began to recover memories of the incident. While this was taking place–her father-took his own life-just as the young woman-identified him-as the attacker of both her and her mother. The father was originally the main target of suspicion and it was the trauma-and memory recall-that solved this sad case bringing it to a conclusion.

As parents and families we can do things to protect our children. These rules should be helpful and thought provoking at the same time:

- Protect your home-have it checked by a police officer for safety recommendations and protection. They will make recommendations for securing doors, windows, basement windows, locks, and security systems.

- Be familiar with your local police - have your emergency numbers ready for calling (such as 911 in many states), emergency numbers for your areas - doctors and hospital information and family numbers as well.

- If you have a neighborhood watch - keep this information handy - your neighbors can be your best friends in an emergency.

- Education and resource information that I recommend are as follows:

- Check out the NCMEC resource information (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) either through your school, public library or the internet (_www.missingkids.com_ (http://www.missingkids.com) ) or call 1-800 - the lost or 1-800-843-5678 for more information.

NCMEC has excellent information in several areas that are critically important to know to protect your child. Know the rules:
1. Abduction and kidnapping prevention tips for parents
2. School safety tips
3. Tips for going to school more safely
4. After school safety for children who are home alone

A few brief examples of questions you might have would be as follows:

1) Do you know what clothing your child wears to school daily and be able to describe your child and any identifying marks such as scars and birthmarks if you need to? (This question really made me consider the seriousness of this issue).

2) Who has control of your child from the time they leave your house to the school bus, to entering school and finally to their teachers. Do you have your school, teacher, and bus numbers handy if you need them? What are emergency school procedures in the event of storms, lockdowns, fire emergencies and terrorist threats?

3) Does your child walk to the bus stop? Are they supervised or alone? Are they warned about talking to strangers and how to react? Your children need to know this going to the bus and getting off the bus or going to school and coming home from school - especially when walking home.

4) In today’s society of “latch key children” safety tips for children home alone are important. Having keys on them to get into the home works fine until the key is lost - the key is broken - and there is no back-up key. What if you have to pick up your child at school or at the bus stop or your home and you get into your car and your car breaks down - you are stuck in a storm - or you are late getting home from work? Are your neighbors, friends and back-up emergency plans available to protect your children? As a parent - are you ready for that responsibility of being fully able to protect your child at a moment’s notice?
On the internet, with NCMEC visit www.RINOKIDS.com

You’ll find a least 24 different agencies/organizations that have much information to help you in the protection, and if necessary, networking of lost children services and support. Registering your children with organizations that keep a database on your child is a consideration. NCMEC, additional internet sites, schools, libraries and your local police department can help with community network and child data base information. Your spiritual communities should also be a part of your information and support system to protect your child.

Parents-please listen to your child. If your child is afraid of someone, find out why. If there has been inappropriate contact or you see changes in your child’s demeanor and personality, look into it. The average child molester attacks 117 children (National Institute of Mental Health). In addition- on the subject of runaway children, 2,700 children and teens in the next 24 hours will run away from home. Nearly one million children a year run away from home.

What you do in your house makes a big difference in their lives. The average runaway is usually missing 143 days while living on the streets where drugs, alcohol, sexual predators, prostitution, disease, weather, poor living conditions, hopeleness and despair await them. On the internet are many runaway locate and recovery services. Once again, your police, library and school resources are important. www.runawaylocate.com is just one of those internet services available for research and information.

In short, parents, love your children, listen to them, and take to heart the information in this article. Some day the life of your child may depend on it.
Of important note as of April 11, 2003 the AMBER ALERT BILL has been passed by the Senate and thanks to the concerns of politicians listening to the families of victims, the public, organizers and supporters - this important legislation will be signed in the near future into law by President Bush.

The Amber Alert plan was created in 1996 as a legacy to 9 year old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped and brutally murdered while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas. The tragedy shocked and outraged the entire community. The Amber Alert Law will have stricter provisions in it meaning that child molesters/pedophiles and pornographers will be punishable with severe consequences as the law will provide. The Amber Alert Law will also protect volunteer boys and girls organizations (where child predators hide easily) requiring state and federal background checks for volunteers-again-as the law will provide. This is good news for our country to protect our children.

To date, the Amber Alert has resulted in the recovery of at least 50 children (Reuters) and that news is as good as it gets. Please refer to AMBER ALERT updates on the internet, www.johnwalsh.com. Check your library, school, public information centers and local police representatives for further information.

As of March 12, 2003 with our country on the brink of war-the return of Elizabeth Smart (with the darkness of war, politics, crime, and terrorism ) is a bright light that shines and spreads itself over the surface of our country and our planet. It hits us in the center of our hearts and brings joy to us- replenishing our spirit. ELIZABETH SMART truly is the MIRACLE GIRL in the hands of a far greater power. Thank God!


Ray “Rajko” Ranic
APRIL 22, 2003

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