Lion's Pride | Hall
& Wall of Miracles
The Charitable Lion is the part of this site
that I give to you-the reader, supporter, friend or
organization to reach out to the community to learn
of organizations, families or individuals in need.
This area is broken down into two sections: organizations
or families/individuals in need. If its posted here-these
families or organizations need your help. I ask that
you read this and move as your heart directs you to
help an organization, family or individual with a
need. Sometimes these situations will be financial-sometimes
tragedy strikes-other times illness or disease occur
and help is needed. If its brought to my attention-I
will review situations and post them for you to read
and then act upon as you see fit.
"Sox" friend
This area is dedicated to our animal friends. A primary reason for my doing this is due to my pet cat "Sox." "Sox" is a large gray cat with beautiful green eyes. He weighs approximately 23 pounds and has a white chest and four white paws. He is a Godsend as our pet. He showed up about 5 years ago in 2011 when he was given as a gift to our neighbor a few doors down.
He then made his way over to the next door neighbor as a gift where he stayed for a week. He was given the name "Sneakers" because of his four white paws. One day I went next door and saw this big cat lying next to the dog. They got along just fine. After I left, he kept sneaking out the dog pet door and began showing up in our yard. I didn't recognize him at first until the next door neighbor tried to take him back. He kept sneaking out of the house to our porch.
I discussed the "problem" cat with our next door neighbor who finally said "He doesn't seem to want to stay here. What should I do?" "Sox" answered that question soon after when he "head butt" his way into the door of our house on a warm summer day in July of 2011. He's been here ever since. We alll love him.
Of note, I was in a very serious accident May of 2013. I had head, neck, shoulder, left arm, left hand and lower spinal injuries. I spent two and a half years in pre and post op physical therapy 5 days a week before and after shoulder surgery due to the accident. When "Sox" saw me the day I came home from surgery, he wouldn't leave my side. When I was doing physical therapy exercises on the floor, he always sat next to my head. I looked forward to him being there daily. He became a vital part of my in-home physical therapy, and was inspirational throughout. He was at the right place and time when I needed him. I hold close the memories of my family, and "Sox" being with me through a physically demanding ordeal.
Sox left our world to be with the "Top Cat in the sky" December 24, 2017.
In the midst of a brutally cold winter, with broken hearts, our family buried Sox.
He will always be in our hearts and memory.
God gave our family a real treasure with Sox.
Thank you for sharing Sox's life and story.
Please give your heartfelt support to the following local/Western New York Pet Rescue and Santuary organizations:
Ten Lives Club Cat Adoption Group and Fundraising for Cats
3741 Lake Shore Road
Blasdell, NY 14219
Website: Ten Lives Club
Check site for contact numbers, events, donations, help and more.
205 Ensminger Road
Tonawanda, NY 14150
Website: SPCA Serving Erie County NY
300 Harlem Road
West Seneca, NY 14224
in Need:
The first request for help and support is an organization
near and dear to my heart within the Western New York
community. It is The American Serbian Club located
at 1200 Tonawanda St. (Corner of Roswell) in Riverside
New York. The club broke ground in 1949 and was completed
in 1950.The American Serbian Club is the home of the
late great tamburitza Hall Of Fame musician Nicholas
"Tillie" Klaich. and The Balkan Serenaders
who are nationally known throughout the United States
and Canada.
The "Serb Club" as it is known by its name
is in dire financial straits due to declining support
and much needed help. It is currently run by its elder
staff whose ages are in the 70-80 year old range.
The Serb Club needs three key ingredients to keep
its doors open-they are as follows:
1) A
steady stream of financial support for all of its
2) New
Manangement-its current staff is in the 70-80 year
old group. This includes the work the elder staff
does for hall rentals, maintenance, meetings, serving
dinners etc.
3) An
infusion of youth -teens-and 20-50s year old staff
to help support and carry on the work of "The
Next Generation"
If the Serbian Club should close-The Western New York
community will lose an institution that has promoted
and provided Tamburitza music, Serbian culture and
forged the bonds of friendship by reaching out to
the surrounding communities and beyond. Of note is
the excellent relationship built with the Irish community
through the efforts of Vlad Popovich and James Brennan
as well as the wonderful relationship built with the
Cleveland, Ohio Slavic community through the efforts
of Hall of Fame Tamburitzan Mr. Alex Machaskee-Publisher
of "The Plain Dealer" Ohios largest newspaper
and The Serb Club through the efforts of Mr. Popovich.
There are many fine musicians in the tamburitza community
that perform at the Serb Club for events that carry
on the tradition of tamburitza music and have for
decades provided entertainment to the Serb Club community
and much more. Your TBL host is just one of many musicians
who owe a lot to the club for its preservation and
elevation of tamburitza music through the work of
The Balkan Serenaders and especially Nicholas "Tillie"
Klaich. (Please visit my page "The Tamburitza
Forum" to read of the tamburitza history in Western
New York regarding the rich music history of the Tamburitza
players within this area.)
This must NOT be allowed to happen! This situation
is NOT about sending a one-time check. (although it
would not be refused as a donation!). It is about
supporting the club continually through Friday night
musician jam sessions, monthly lamb and pig roasts,
and the dinner dances that are held there. It is also
about carrying on the Serbian Christmas Eve traditions
of "Badnjar Vece" such as memorial services
for past members, burning of the Yule Log-the lenten
meal and of course laying out the hay for children
up to age 10 to chase coins thrown in the hay and
Santa's annual appearance at the club. A Good family
time for all!
In 2004 the August and September
lamb roast events were cancelled due to low interest
and below average turnout. These popular events require
continued community help, support and commitment.
The October 2004 lamb roast was a sellout and sends
a good message when the support is there. The younger
help is needed-BIG TIME!
Please contact The American Serbian Club at 1-716-873-1290
to help keep the club alive and its doors open! I
will in the near future post a history of The American
Serbian Club on this website under "The Tamburitza
With your help and support "Let The Good Times
DECEMBER 2004 AND COUNTING! Your website host "TBL"
clearly states-The American Serbian Club needs your
help and support. Lamb roasts have been cancelled
for August, September, and December 2004. I will keep
you posted on the clubs progress-vital to the Western
New York Community. Good Luck!
next request for an organization in need under the
TBL Charitable Lion is the Western New York South
Buffalo Community fight to preserve the Dudley and
Cazenovia Park libraries. Both libraries are "pulse
stations" as I call them for education centers
serving the South Buffalo Community. If it is allowed
to happen-the nearest library for South Buffalo will
be The Buffalo Public library located in downtown
In 2004 next to the Dudley library-Tim Russert (with
a generous contribution) and help from the South Buffalo
Alive organization, State Assemblyman Brian Higgins,
Erie County Legislator Mark Schroeder, and Joel Giambra
developed a parcel of land. Today as of May 12,2004
it is called Tim Russerts Childrens Garden-established
in 2002 and depicts two children reading a book on
its entrance.
I was there in May at the dedication ceremony with
my son to watch the support from the local community
and it was heartwarming to see one of our own (Mr.
Russert) succeed on a national level-yet humble enough
to come back during his book promotion tour-and preserve
his legacy in the garden which now bears his name
"Tim Russets Childrens Garden."
The "Childrens Garden" has been decorated
with landscaping, flowers ,shrubbery, walkways and
a gazebo by project managers Dave and Vera Kozak along
with volunteers that spent countless hours on this
preservation project. It is a gentle-peaceful message
surrounded by Mr. Russerts generosity. Mr. Russert
grew up just two blocks away from the library on Woodside
Avenue and spent his childhood and teen years studying
and using the Dudley library. Mr. Russerts dedication
of the "Childrens Garden" is a stroke of
genius and vision by both Mr. Russert and the South
Buffalo Alive organization. WHY?
The issue of closing down and consolidating the two
South Buffalo libraries (Dudley and Cazenovia Park)
as well as other Buffalo libraries-has been a hotbed
of contention for some time now. Closing the Dudley
library and leaving a vacant spot next to the "Childrens
Garden"-will leave a hole in the HEART AND SOUL
OF SOUTH BUFFALO! It is inconceivable for me to comprehend
the loss of this rich institution and its vital "artery
of education" for the South Buffalo community.
I believe The South Buffalo Alive organization that
appropriately was able to utilize this parcel of land
for the "Childrens Garden" knew it and now
South Buffalo and Buffalonians alike will understand.
Without saying so-Mr.Russert would have known the
importance of the" Childrens Garden" The
message is in what is not spoken-its in the picture
of the two children on the front of the garden entrance-reading
a BOOK and in the location of the garden-next to the
library. They both compliment each other in looks,
message and "spirituality" of the message
regarding education. To close Dudley-would be a travesty-and
the "Childrens Garden" without the library-loses
its power in the message the garden and the library
When Mr. Russert was here on that day in May 2004-ironically
his next stop was at the American Legion Hall on the
corner of Legion and Cazenovia park. .In the shadow
of Mr. Russerts visit stands the Cazenovia Park library.
It happens to be the other "education artery"
that generates education needs for the South Buffalo
Both libraries have their own "feel"-their
own "spirituality". A feeling of honor-even
of being on hallowed ground-a sacred place if you
will-await the individuals through its books, computers
and tools of reading-education and learning. They
are connecting its visitors in these "hallowed
halls of reading" by the authors of thought-debate-politics-fiction-non-fiction-sports-creative
arts and much more with all levels of education-at
your fingertips. On any given day-the computers hum
with the sounds of the internet through the studious
efforts of those looking for information-music-CDs,
DVDs, videos, fun subjects and subjects for school
research when you need a computer and you have to
travel anywhere in the world at a moments notice-or
Through the hub of electronics or the writings of
men-women and yes-even children- who all place their
stamp of life in the pages of a book-or on the internet-these
libraries feed our lifeforce and need for education,
wisdom and knowledge.
Its not just the books and internet that matter-it
is the souls of ALL-who walk through these doors -that
leave their "imprint" and it good!
Consolidating and closing down these "educational
arteries" to the South Buffalo community leave
us drained of a much needed source of education supply
.In time it will destroy the look and feel of a city
still rich in its heritage and culture of its libraries
and centers of education needs. That could change-very
quickly if allowed-to happen.
I stated before it would be a travesty if this occurs.
Heres how. I consider the closing of the libraries
a loss of character-a loss of city design and a loss
of connection to our educational institutes by removing
the nearness and convenience of these "arteries
of education."
South Buffalo will have to fight the political machinery
that wants to close these doors while struggling to
survive financial problems that have given the city
of Buffalo a "black eye" and much more in
its fiscal crises. It wont be easy.
In closing, perhaps it is the right time to remember
that this issue needs to be taken up head on with
the County, City of Buffalo, Buffalo Control Board,
local politicians that support the libraries in question
THAT IS A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Check out your local libraries for the status
of your library and if you can help to keep yours
from being closed!
December 2004-Buffalo passed the budget to keep the
libraries open, however the financial crisis is far
from over.
in Need:
Copy to come...
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