Oz Factor
As a MUFON Field Investigator for Mutual UFO Network originating in 1992, and as a Field Investigator in 2005, I have been a UFO enthusiast ever since childhood with my first unusual experiences going back to ages 3 and 4 in 1956 and 1957. I have had the opportunity to meet and greet with some of the most well known, respected and maybe even "Far Out" authors, researchers, lecturers and reporters on the subject of UFO's. The subjects of study and discussion regard UFO's, extraterrestrial contact, disclosure, abductions, sightings, case study investigations, education, history, technology and much more than can be readily stated here.
In addition to these photos, I have had the opportunity to rub elbows with many top UFO researchers such as:
Ted Phillips...outstanding UFO Field Investigator from the 1960's who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, founder of CUFOS (The Center for UFO Studies). Dr. Hynek is the man at the end of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" looking up at the UFO mothership with a pipe in his mouth before it leaves.
Stan Gordon...noted Bigfoot researcher and ufologist who authored "Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Case"
Leslie Kean...author of "UFO's: Generals, pilots and government go on the record," Leslie brought a lawsuit against NASA regarding the 1965 Kecksberg UFO case through CFI (The Coalition for Freedom of Information) regarding the Freedom of Information Act, and in 2009 published her final conclusions of her lawsuit. For those interested in Freedom of Information PRO OR CON...in my humble opinion, this COUNTRY owes her a debt of gratitude for her efforts.
Peter Robbins...author of "Left at Eastgate," is the UFO account of Larry Warren at Bentwaters-Woodbridge. It took nearly ten years of Robbins' life to put this book together. It is an outstanding account of the UFO encounter that took place at the Royal Air Force Base in England December of 1980. Peter has an adventurous life story, traveling the world with an education in Art. He shared interesting stories from his life in Theater Management. Our time spent touring the Buffalo Museum of Art proved to be an enlightening experience for me as Peter's knowledge of Art made for a truly educational and delightful experience.
Anna Jamerson...author of "Connections" gives a riveting account of unusual synchronicity combined with the devastating subject of abductions.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum...Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology at Idaho State University, is a scientific Bigfoot researcher whose book "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science" takes you on the search for the legendary beast.
I have met them all over the years and with the photos below you will see the twists and turns the life of THE BALKAN LION has taken, and see some of the wonderful people I have met. Thats the upside because the downside is that I continually ask myself..."Is it all real?!"
Faith-Fate and the Unknown...
"You decide which is real... and which is an illusion."
Quote from the song "Nights in White Satin"..
and NO...I have NEVER taken Drugs...Ever...
Special thanks to Dr. Philip Haseley, Professor of Anthropology at Niagara County Community College through the NCCC speaker series and as director of the MUFON Niagara region for his support.

Budd Hopkins. Well known author of "Missing Time and Sight Unseen."
He has a website known as "IF" for "Intruders Foundation." IF only my
dreams could span the universe...Maybe they do!

Stanton Friedman. Noted physicist, respected researcher, and speaker
on the subject of UFO's at over 600 universities in his career. His debates
with deceased UFO debunker Phil Klass are legendary! This photo was
taken at Niagara County Community College.

With Dr. UFO Pat Marcatillio at one of his UFO Congress conferences in
New Jersey. Pat is well known for his library and interest in UFO's. He
does an "out of this world" job at bringing in top speakers on the
subject of UFO's and paranormal researchers.

Nicolette Pavlevsky and Greg Wright. Nicolette has her native roots in
Russian nationality and with Greg Wright explore aspects of channeling,
the UFO presence, extraterrestrial entity contact and beyond.

Robert Eure. Bob is the author of "The Mysterious Visitors," and to my
knowledge the first African American to organize and teach on the
subject of UFO's. He has taught at Temple University in Arizona and is
well known for his contributions to the field of Ufology and it's relation
to other subjects. A true gentleman.

Antonio Huneeus. Top researcher from Chile who is a well known
science journalist on the lecture circuit in Europe, Asia and the United
States for more than 25 years. He has served as an international MUFON
coordinator for years, spoken at many conferences over the decades
and co-authored a report put into paperback by Dell titled "UFO's...The
Best Available Evidence" with Don Berliner and M. Galbrath.

Linda Moulton Howe. Emmy Award winning journalist and author of
"A Strange Harvest" and "A Strange Harvest, 1993," dealing with the
subject of cattle mutilations. Linda writes on a variety of subjects and
has a masters degree in communications from Stanford University in
California. She was Miss Idaho in 1963 and competed in the Miss America
pageant that same year. She is known throughout the world for her
knowledge on the subject of cattle mutilations, UFO's, Life Mysteries and
more, including scientific journalism. She has a website called "Earthfiles"
dealing with many various types of paranormal activity throughout the
world. Linda has also been a featured speaker for many MUFON events.
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